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Business; BTEC Level 3; Unit 13; Recruitment & Selection

Business; BTEC Level 3; Unit 13; Recruitment & Selection

P3; M1; M2; D1 Assignment framework, includes a journal for evaluation to enhance chance of meeting D1 Framework splits class in 2, to ease practical and include group evaluations. Group A- CEO documentation Group B- Management role Half do A & half do B documentation, they will then apply for and interview for the other role. Includes info from BTEC text book & tasks to prepare then very structured instructions for assignment with clear criteria met next to each part of the task. Slide 2- overview explains framework slides 3-7 Job description: text book theory; example; task; assignment expectation framework. slides 8-13 Job Specification: text book theory; examples; task; assignment expectation framework. slides 14 & 15 Job advertisement: text book theory; assignment guidance/ expectation slides 16-18 CV writing assignment framework; school leaver CV example; useful links. slides 19 application expectation for assignment slides 20-22 Cover letter guidance/expectation for assignment; preparation task; text book theory. slide 23- review all documentation completed so far slide 24 short listing text book theory slide 25 types of interview listed (could add slides here) slide 26 offer letter for interview - look at equality slide 27 interview matrix: text book theory slide 28 other testing- IQ/personality slides 23-28 are basic, have main considerations written, could do with an extra slide for each perhaps. Once complete only the practical remains for this unit.
Business Ownership- Not for profit organisation

Business Ownership- Not for profit organisation

Lesson Objectives Starter- Short video on NPO and questions prepared Definition (notes) Key information Finding Funding What's the message task- billboard Activity- create NPO: key points to cover and extension Activity 2- create a billboard advertisement for your NPO Plenary- present to class- Peer review (what went well; even better if)
Business Studies- Vision and Mission Statements

Business Studies- Vision and Mission Statements

starter- own dreams and aspirations (growth mindset) Learning outcomes What is a mission statement- short activity, links starter and own school mission What is a vision statement- short activity, links starter and own school vision Mission or vision? quiz Why are statements important - research importance Task: Re-write your starter and ensure you have a vision and mission Extension- Look up school vision/mission Share answers- think about next steps to achieve goals.
Business Ownership- Franchise

Business Ownership- Franchise

Logo starter- what do they have in common? Learning Outcomes What is a Franchisee? Benefits Disadvantages Activity- Franchise research; Extension- research another and compare Share answers as a class- compare differences Plenary questions
Business Studies Revision Bingo!  (Secondary)

Business Studies Revision Bingo! (Secondary)

A variety of business questions and thirty six bingo cards. Questions are based on theories (such as boston matrix) and definitions- so the resource is lasting. Example: What are the 4 stages of the product life cycle? Introduction, Growth, Maturity & Decline What element of the Boston matrix demonstrates a product of low market growth and high market share? Cash cow
Business Studies- Introduction to Business Ethics

Business Studies- Introduction to Business Ethics

Starter- oil spill images match news story (BP) Short video BP consequences Unit Objectives Definitions Activity- Should ethics exceed legal expectations, article link. Notes & Key terms Kohlberg moral development video link- template to fill (attached activity sheet) and /Heinz dilemma to discuss Lesson 2: Activity sheet- match company to unethical behaviour (sheet attached) Assignment task- Report: pick company and discuss ethical issues and how company conducts itself (could have students present).
Business Studies- Objectives (SMART)

Business Studies- Objectives (SMART)

Starter- Write a mission/vision statement (follow on lesson from my vision/mission lesson) Learning Outcomes Difference: vision; mission; aims/goals; objectives What is an objective- SMART defined Activity- scenario: write SMART objective to reach mission/vision What is a corporate objective? Introduce functional objectives Activity 2- pick a mission statement (3 on slide): Create SMART objective and one functional objective. 4 plenary questions for Exit card- also lesson review www/ebi
Promotion Lesson- Design Mix & Below-the-line

Promotion Lesson- Design Mix & Below-the-line

starter activity question- links to task Objectives written Introduce design mix Fit in the Mix- activity Design mix activity- adapt a current product Effective use of mix- notes Land Rover Example- CSR link Adapt from previous activity Introduction to Promotion Types of Promotion- Above- the - line Create promotion for design mix product Plenary questions
Business Marketing Theory presentation

Business Marketing Theory presentation

A large presentation created to cover lots of areas of marketing to teach business terminology and theory, all with examples. Slides include: USP Marketing Mix How to write a marketing mix Pricing strategies: cost plus; penetration; skimming; predatory; competitive; psychological; social trends- dynamic, auction, personalised, subscription, price comparison Market Mapping Porters generic competitive strategy Promotions: above & below the line What creates a brand Importance of branding Types of branding: manufacturer, generic, own label. Benefits of strong branding: added value, elastcity, priemium pricing Ways to build a brand: USP, advertising, sponsorship, social media
Business Studies- Pricing Strategies

Business Studies- Pricing Strategies

Starter activity Learning Outcomes Introduction to pricing strategies- links objectives Cost plus pricing; Price skimming; Penetration pricing; All with short activities. Activity questions (4 & 8 marker) Predatory pricing; Psychological pricing; Competitive Pricing; Plenary questions Extension slide- Social trends pricing
Promotion Lesson- Below-the-line   (Follow on from Above-the-line)

Promotion Lesson- Below-the-line (Follow on from Above-the-line)

Follow on session from my Promotion Lesson- Design mix and Above-the-line: Asses prior knowledge (Above-the-line) Objectives Below-the-line intro: Sales production Public Relations Merchandising & Packaging Direct Mailing Direct Selling Trade fair Activity- Poster Activity Share work prompt Plenary questions
Purpose of Business Planning (GCSE/AQA) Lesson 6

Purpose of Business Planning (GCSE/AQA) Lesson 6

Starter task with extension contents of a business plan key terms Risk & Uncertainty video and question Why is a business plan so important- task and key info Homework research task (could begin in class- time permitting) plenary- example exam questions included for HA
Business Aims/Objectives GCSE AQA

Business Aims/Objectives GCSE AQA

starter task definitions research task- company vision/missions own goals and steps to complete research feedback aims basis reasons ethical washing powder add plenary to discuss based on learning- whats the message?